Carbide cutter tips
The hard metal freeze heads, which are also known as carbide heads, are used for hardware manicure or pedicure.They are made from a special volfram and carbide alloy, so they ensure that the work with this type of coat will be smoothly, and the customer does not feel discomfort, because the nails during the procedure do not fall.The heads made from this material are sharp and accurate, making it perfect for the removal of the old gel, gel lak, polygel or acrylic layer.
Nailschool.com is based not only on the wider offer of the goods, but it focuses on the quality of the goods sold and the convenient use of them.Therefore, the hard-metal frizes that you will find in our e-shop are carefully selected and suitable for professional use.
You don’t know what kind of hardmetal freezer you need? Consult with us!Call by Phone +37067342106 or contact by email info@nailschool.lt.